The DATA2LAWS project (2025-2030) is coordinated by Cécile Bothorel (IMT Atlantique), Full Professor, HDR and researcher in DECIDE team, Lab-STICC laboratory. Her general research area is machine learning for large complex networks. She is particularly interested in the detection of communities and the analysis of their dynamics (clustering, motifs, anomaly & change point detection). She has a preference for applications in the humanities and social sciences and is used to multidisciplinary work, e.g. to understand the management of online communities such as Wikipedia or Ulule.
Laurent Brisson is the leader of the WP 1 for data collection and preparation. He will also mainly address the first research goal, especially investigate contextual factors surrounding community phase transitions (leader of task 2.3). He is an associate professor at IMT Atlantique, researcher in the DECIDE team of the Lab-STICC laboratory. His research focuses on complex network analysis (community detection and dynamics) to provide actionable insights for decision makers and researchers, particularly in the social sciences and learning analytics.
Esteban Bautista Ruiz is the leader of WP2. Since 2024 he is the holder of the Chaire de Professeur Junior “AI and Digital Transformation of Industry” at the LISIC laboratory (ULCO). His chair project involves the development of tools for the analysis of interconnected elements evolving over time, which tightly overlaps with the ambitions of WP 2. He will co-direct the thesis1 with Matthieu Puigt (ULCO) and Laurent Brisson (IMTA).
Mathieu Génois is the leader of WP3 and of the Task4.1 involving statistical physics. He is a Maître de Conférences at Aix Marseilles University, researcher at the CPT. His research is at the interface between statistical physics and social sciences, and focuses on uncoverng the mechanisms responsible for the properties of face-to-face contact networks. He will supervise the thesis 2 in WP 3 on the simulation of the dynamics of projects. He will also co-supervise in WP 4 the postdoc in charge of the final models and the synthesis of the expected theory in this project.
Léo Joubert is Maître de Conférences in Sociology at the Laboratoire DySoLab of the University of Rouen Normandie. His research focuses on the massification of the Wikipedia community. In DATA2LAWS , he will contribute to hypothesis generation and mid-range theory formulation (leader of
WP4). With Cécile Bothorel, he will supervise the PhD thesis 3 in task 3.2, on the complex relationship between trajectories and project state.
Other project members: Nicolas Duminy (R&D engineer, IMTA) has a strong expertise in software development and MLOps (deploy and maintain machine learning models in production reliably and efficiently). With Cécile Bothorel and Laurent Brisson, he has conceived and is maintaining a open source software suite, Dyn, dedicated to dynamic clustering in temporal complex networks . Nicolas Jullien (Professor, IMTA, LEGO laboratory). His research focuses on the digital commons paradigm from a knowledge economics and strategic management perspective. He is interested in the governance of such digital commons from an institutional economics perspective, and the impact of their institutionalization on their purpose, attractiveness, and organization. He will share his expertise (for modelling task 2.1) and his network of acquaintances in the FLOSS and Wikipedia sphere and help to manage the relationships with stakeholders about our results (task 0.2). Matthieu Puigt is Maître de Conférences at the LISIC laboratory (ULCO), responsible of the SPeciFI team. His research focuses on sparse and non-negative matrix and tensor analyses. He will lead Task 2.3 and bring his expertise on source separation and localization methods to spot the factors triggering changes in communities. He will co-direct thesis1.